Curling Rink

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Curling started in Delburne on a one sheet open air rink in 1927-28. It fastly took hold as a favourite sport and a 2 sheet rink was started in 1929 and completed in 1930. Thirty years later the building was condemned and another was built in the fall of 1960. An artificial ice plant was added the following year at a cost of $1000 (almost $9000 in today’s money).

Over the years, Curling continued to be a large part of the community and once again a new building was needed. Construction began at its new location in 1988 and was completed the following year. It included a space for the Delburne Pottery Club which still remains today.

This facility is still going strong and along with fellowship provides recreation, exercise and competition for all ages. It has four leagues; Ladies, Seniors, Open, and Super. The Junior team, which curls with the Ladies league won Bronze at the Provincial High School Bonspiel this year!

Snowflake Saturday (the second Saturday in December each year) is a fun night at the rink hosting a turkey shoot, dice games, and a silent auction.

The Curling Club also hosts Bonspiels for Seniors, Ladies, Farmers, School, and an all-nighter for the young. There are instruction sessions for K-6 children, and the school uses the rink for physical education classes as well.

Our facility is member owned and operated. It features a kitchen and lounge with viewing area, and is open to the public. It is also available for rentals for curling or as a meeting space.

Contact Norma at 403-749-2581

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