Delburne's Family and Community Support Services (FCSS)
Contact Carla Best, Acting Community Navigator
- Email:
- Phone: 403-749-3654
- Fax: 403-749-2800
Click the link below for FCSS Events & Activities:
Delburne FCSS Events
Click the link below of FCSS Programs:
Delburne FCSS Programs
FCSS Community Worker
What does an FCSS Community Worker do?
- Help people to develop independence, strengthen coping skills and become more resistant to crisis.
- Help people to develop awareness of social needs.
- Help people to develop interpersonal and group skills which enhance constructive relationship among people.
- Help people and communities to assume responsibility for decisions and actions which affect them.
- Provide supports that help sustain people as active participants in the community.
What is Family & Community Support Services?
Family & Community Support Services (FCSS) is a program offered by The Province of Alberta Ministry of Community and Social Services to local municipalities and Metis settlements. Involvement by the municipality is voluntary.
If the municipality chooses to be involved, then FCSS provincial funding (80 per cent) must be matched with local tax dollars (20 per cent). This combined funding is then used to support preventive social initiatives, program, and services that are shown to enhance the social well-being of individuals, families, and/or the community.
Each municipality has the autonomy to determine the FCSS process at the local level. For that reason, FCSS can look vastly different from one municipality to another.
Delburne Family & Community Support Services is a member of the Red Deer & District FCSS partnership. This regional partnership of municipalities which are represented at the FCSS Board are as follows:
- City of Red Deer Municipal Council Members (2)
- Red Deer County Council Members (2)
- Town of Bowden Municipal Council Member (1)
- Village of Delburne Municipal Council Member (1)
- Village of Elnora Municipal Council Member (1)
- Town of Penhold Municipal Council Member (1)
- Members of the public (residents of Red Deer) (4)